Spotlight on Sam Bloom: Aussie Surfer Making Her Dreams Happen Today
When I finally meet Sam Bloom in Boca Barranca, Costa Rica I am immediately surprised by how petite she is....

The Aloha State Presents 2024 Hawai’i Adaptive Surfing Championships In Waikiki
The Hawai’i Adaptive Surfing Championships kick off tomorrow at Queen’s Surf Break in Waikiki. The event is the second stop...
Association of Adaptive Surfing ProfessionalsCosta Rica Open Pro Adaptive SurfingPara SurfingU.S. Open Adaptive Surfing Championships
Next Stop on AASP Tour U.S. Open in Oceanside California
The U.S. Open Adaptive Surfing Championships will be held September 6th-10th at Oceanside Pier in Oceanside, California. This will be...